Small Self Administered Pensions (SSAS)
Self Administered Pensions are amazing if used properly – Your own Tax Exempt Family Trust.
If you want a SSAS for your Business to save Corporation Tax or to shelter property investments from tax – then you have come to the right place!
If you scroll down this page – You’ll see our FREE SSAS Masterclass + There are a number of SSAS Case Studies PLUS – an amazing SSAS Chatbot that you can use to get access to ALL the documents you need to establish your own SSAS!
(At no time will we ever give advice on investments. We will not introduce you to anyone with investments available – If you need investment advice we suggest you speak to an IFA)
If you are wanting to use your SSAS for PROPERTY investing – you will want to get access to our SSAS Property Chatbot – as it takes you through over 160 different property investment variations and explains WHAT can be done to allow you to make the BEST use of your SSAS – in both the commercial property AND the residential property sectors.
Segmented Solutions in conjunction with Elite Wealth Services (Taxation) Limited, offers company owners a bespoke SSAS & Tax Planning Service.
If you run a business and want to know how a SSAS works, or want to learn how to make best use of your shares to pass funds to the next generation, then we can offer you 2 engagement options:
2) ELITE WEALTH SERVICES – Complete company tax planning, with a SSAS thrown in as part of the package.
Whichever route you select, we will provide you with everything you need to establish and run your own SSAS. We are not going to offer you ‘investments’ or introduce you to a developer with ‘deals’ available, as we have seen too many people fall in to the trap of being ‘sold’ an idea that looked too good to be true, and … was!
Once we get your SSAS opened with HMRC we let you be the Administrator and Trustee(s) – we act as your Practitioners helping and guiding at all stages.
Our clients are directors running profitable companies – so if you don’t have a business, then sadly we cannot help you.
Elite Wealth Services ( takes a step back and looks at the company to see if there is an opportunity to make use of the value and the shares in order to do the following:
Structure a sale of your business using a special ‘trust’ which makes the sale proceeds totally tax free – and lets you carry on running the business and earning directors remuneration of £60,000 p.a – which can also be paid tax free into your SSAS. (See ‘Case Study 3’ below)
Many SSAS ‘experts’ don’t have the VAT expertise to deal with commercial property transactions correctly – which is where we excel. There’s nothing like knowing when to use a VAT1614A vs when to use a VAT2. In fact we may add a new training video all about Property, SSAS & VAT.
Book a FREE Consultation with Paul Stewart our resident SSAS expert NOW! Click Here
If you are an IFA, Accountant or Tax Advisor looking for a provider with a complete range of solutions and the knowledge to back them up – then please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Please note that we will not get involved in investment advice or recommendations to explore or look into any specific investments. We are NOT an IFA business, so it is important that you make your own investment decisions and seek your own advice. When you establish your SSAS, your Banking will be with Metro Bank who have a specialist SSAS Unit. We will hand hold you through the Application process as part of our ‘SSAS establishment’ process.
This first case study talks you through how it is possible to make a SSAS Contribution using an existing commercial property instead of ‘cash’ – something that many Advisors think is no longer allowed simply because HMRC do not allow this for SIPPs (Self Invested Personal Pensions), which are totally different types of pensions!
This second case study highlights the problems associated with owning commercial property within a number of SIPPs – Rather than using a SSAS. On death the SIPP’s can require costly administration to re-arrange asset ownership and Land Registry details – whereas a SSAS can simply rearrange ownership internally, with very little Admin (or costs!) required.
This third case study highlights a number of ways in which a business owner can make use of their Entrepreneurs Relief (or as we know it now… (Business Asset Disposal) reliefs. It is also possible to ‘sell’ a business for many millions of pounds and for the owners to pay 0% CGT on the sale. This case study talks you through 3 options and how they might work!
This fourth case study looks at the planning that is possible for a married couple owning a commercial property that they currently rent out to their own business. We take them from paying high rate tax on the rent right through to them being owed tax free money with the rent being received tax free into their family SSAS!

Paul Stewart - SSAS Administrator
Every SSAS is required to have an Administrator with an HMRC issued ID. Once established, a SSAS Administrator can appoint a company/individual with Scheme Practitioner ID to take care of their Scheme Admin. Paul Stewart (Our MD) has worked for over 30 years as Pensions Technical Support to IFA’s and Accountants and has been a Chartered Insurance Institute Examiner for an advanced Pensions Exam – as well as Technical Training Manager for a Major Life Office in the UK. Segmented Solutions can provide you with both Administrator and Practitioner ID’s to help get your planning underway both swiftly and properly.